Frequently Asked Questions About Weight Loss

If you’re on a diet, or considering going on one, you’re in luck. We’ve put together ten of the most frequently asked questions about diets and weight loss and compiled them here. Enjoy!

1. How much should I weigh?

Your doctor can answer that question most accurately. More important than how much you weigh is your body/mass index, which measures your height against your weight.

2. What’s the best diet for losing weight?

Any diet that provides all the nutrition that you need for health, and in addition, provides fewer calories than your body burns regularly.

3. How can I keep off the weight that I lose?

If you lose weight gradually and re-educate both yourself and your body about food, you’ll have a good start. The secret to keeping weight off is to balance your energy needs with your food intake. Eat enough calories to supply your body’s energy needs, but not so many that your body stores the excess as fat.

4. What’s the story with obesity and diabetes?

Obesity increases the risks of a number of chronic health conditions, and diabetes is one of them. People who are more than ten percent overweight increase their risk of developing type 2 diabetes substantially.

5. How do I decrease my intake of sugar?

Obviously, you can decrease your intake of sugar by cutting out sweets and refined snacks, but you should also watch out for ‘hidden’ sugars. Check ingredients. High fructose corn syrup and sucrose are both simple sugars that add lots of calories and little nutrition.

6. How often should I weigh myself?

Most diet experts recommend that you weigh yourself no more than once a week. Some go so far as to tell you to throw out the scale entirely! A more accurate measure of your loss is your clothing size. If your clothing is feeling looser, you’re doing great.

7. Do I really have to exercise?

You don’t HAVE to, but it will be a lot harder to lose weight if you don’t. A half hour of moderate exercise daily is the minimum activity level for healthy weight loss. You can get it walking, running, cleaning your house – anything active burns calories.

8. What’s a calorie?

A calorie is a measure of energy. Foods are rated with calories based on the amount of energy they provide to the body when consumed.

9. Can I lose weight without changing my diet?

Weight loss results when you burn more calories than you consume. If you only need to lose a small amount of weight and your diet is generally healthy, you can lose weight by increasing your activity level to burn more calories. If your diet is poor, or if you’re more than a few pounds overweight, you really need to learn a new, more healthy way or eating, or you’ll put the weight back on when you go back to ‘normal’ eating.

10. Should I eat fish on my diet?

Unless it’s expressly forbidden by your diet, absolutely. Fish is high protein, low saturated fat, and high in omega 3 fatty acids. Some doctors recommend eating as much as 10 servings of fish per week.

Cardio Workouts For Weight Loss

Cardiovascular exercise in one of the most important aspects of having a strong heart and healthy lungs, but using cardio for weight loss will also help your internal organs by reducing the strain caused by excess body weight. A smaller body will be easier for your heart to supply blood to and you can reduce your risk for diabetes and heart failure by shedding those extra pounds.

Sticking To the Basics

Jogging, running, and cycling are simple aerobic activities you can try to get into the routine of using cardio for weight loss. If you don’t know where to start, these types of workouts are very versatile, allowing you to easily choose a speed and intensity that’s comfortable for you. As you develop more muscle and cardiovascular strength, you’ll need to increase the intensity of your workout to continue seeing weight loss results.

Getting Toned All Around

While running or hiking can give your legs a great workout and do wonders for your cardio, there are other routines that work different muscle groups while still providing an aerobic workout. Dance cardio or kickbox cardio for weight loss can be a fun and interesting alternative to simply going for a jog and they can give you the opportunity to develop a bit of tone in other areas of your body as well.

Swimming is fantastic way to keep your heart rate up while experiencing the benefits of water resistance against your muscles. For those who can’t stand the sweaty, overheated feeling that comes with exercise, the cool water does a great job of keeping you refreshed and at a comfortable temperature. Swimming can also be ideal for those with arthritis or any joint soreness and discomfort.

High Intensity Interval Training for Maximum Results

To change your routine up and keep your body on its toes you can try high intensity cardio for weight loss by alternating exercise and active rest periods. Alternating between extreme activity and slower rest periods can burn a lot of calories while increasing the fat you’re burning as well. Longer active rest periods will allow you to have more intense workout periods and will get your body burning more fat.

Different techniques work for different people, so monitor your weight loss and keep a record. If one type of exercise doesn’t appeal to you or isn’t giving you any results, try something new until you discover which exercise you find rewarding, effective, and enjoyable.