Featured Top Center
This is a widgeted area which is called Featured Top Center. It is using the Genesis - Featured Posts widget to display what you see on the Lifestyle child theme demo site. To get started, log into your WordPress dashboard, and then go to the Appearance > Widgets screen. There you can drag the Genesis - Featured Posts widget into the Featured Bottom widget area on the right hand side. To get the image to display, simply upload an image through the media uploader on the edit page screen and publish your page. The Featured Posts widget will know to display the post image as long as you select that option in the widget interface.
Healthy Weight Loss
Frequently Asked Questions About Weight Loss
If you’re on a diet, or considering going on one, you’re in luck. We’ve put together ten of the most frequently asked questions about diets and weight loss and compiled them here. Enjoy! 1. How much should I weigh? Your doctor can answer that question most accurately. More important than how much you weigh is […]
Cardio Workouts For Weight Loss
Cardiovascular exercise in one of the most important aspects of having a strong heart and healthy lungs, but using cardio for weight loss will also help your internal organs by reducing the strain caused by excess body weight. A smaller body will be easier for your heart to supply blood to and you can reduce […]
Weight Loss Tips
Tips To Help You Avoid Gaining Your Weight Back Again – Stay Ahead Of The Game
To lose weight and get a six pack, you’re going to have to change your lifestyle. The problem is that most people go right back to their original lifestyles the moment they lose the weight. The result? They gain it all back and then some. Why does this happen? Mostly it happens because the person […]
Real Life Tips For Healthy Weight Loss
Are you tired of diet tips handed out by someone with apparently unlimited income and time? For some of us, it may just not be practical to spend half of our Sunday preparing carefully portioned meals for the rest of the week, or financially feasible to buy all our meals prepackaged in just the right […]
Featured Middle Center
This is a widgeted area which is called Featured Top Center. It is using the Genesis - Featured Posts widget to display what you see on the Lifestyle child theme demo site. To get started, log into your WordPress dashboard, and then go to the Appearance > Widgets screen. There you can drag the Genesis - Featured Posts widget into the Featured Bottom widget area on the right hand side. To get the image to display, simply upload an image through the media uploader on the edit page screen and publish your page. The Featured Posts widget will know to display the post image as long as you select that option in the widget interface.